I worked as Dolly Grip/ AC on this production. Every shot besides 4 pick up and 2 handhelds were on the dolly. It was intense but some of the most fun ever, moving the camera man to the beat of the music and seeing what the result is. I don’t have any pictures of me yet since I took all of these on my phone when I had some spare time, but I gave my email to the man who was making a documentary for the band and snapping shots the whole time. Also I’ll post the video on here when it’s done.
Shoot Date - 1/13/12
Directed by Christian Winters. Cinematography by John Taggart. Shot on the Red 1 with 3 Anamorphic Prime lenses, 30mm, 50mm, 85mm.
Where it’s located in Manhattan, if you have never been there. Its on the water and it’s amazing to be in the city and look outside the studio window and see a dock and water right in front of you.
Just a quick pic I took to show what kind of place it is inside.
Our Studio! 6.
First one there, this was the set up. The ceiling opens up and we blasted day light from the roof and windows the entire shoot. The only lightings we used was a 1000w, and 12 hundred.
Our J.L. Fisher Dolly, my tool for the shoot.
The creatives, Setting up the first shot. It looks just like a plain wall but when the Red1 is involved and the color temperature gets put down to 4600, its a whole new image as you can kind of see in the monitor is you click on the picture.
Make up and hair section
Red 1, with 3 Russian Anamorphic lens that are really hard to come by. We had a 30mm, 50mm, and 85mm. The lens were 300 to rent each day.
The first set up with the bands documentarian in the shot.
Crafty Section
Roadies setting up the bands equipment.
The chillen section.
Director Christian Winters
Stylist doing the Lead singer and guitarist’s Hair, Adam.
Bands Vocals/Bassist in Red, Austin.
Producer Paul Travers and DP John Admiring playback.
The first Set up with Band in the shot.
Christian and John
Roadie eating some food.
Band Equipment
Band Logo - Super Prime
Bands executive on the left, Drummer - Marcus, Bassist - Austin
Second Set up, John using one 1000 watt and bumping the color temperature to around 6500 was able to make it look like an amazing sun set.
Christian Winters/ Band setting up
Waiting for the band to get ready, hair, make up, etc.
Setting up set.
Something like what the shot looks like but I’m taking pictures with my phone so it’s never going to look great. Keep in mind that it was 1pm with a minor snow flurry outside those windows.
More wardrobe section.
The only 2 lights we used for the whole shoot.
Director Christian talking to the band executive.
Shoot’s over, Just chillen
Last remaining soldiers. Producer, Director, DP, Me.
Set afterwards
The Studio’s bar for after hanging
The view from outside the sets window.
Empty Studio during sun setting.